Tuesday, July 31, 2012

TUE, JULY 31, 2012, Back/ Calves/ Abs

   In light of my great lat spazzum yesterday, my back workout was considerably lighter, less intense and shorter than last weeks.
   I started off with abs to warm everything up good- just 3 sets of bosu ball crunches.
   Then, prioritizing my weakness, I hit my calves hard with 9 sets of calf presses (on the leg press.) Then I did seated calf raises just 4 sets of 15 with 90 pounds (my quads are still to sore to put a bunch of weight on them.)
   Finally I came to back. Not wanting to "re-spazz", I took it slow, just focussing on stretching and squeezing the muscle:
6 sets of behind the neck pulldowns
3 sets of T-bar rows
3 sets of barbell rows
3 sets of double D pulldowns
No extreme weights, all sets of 8-12.

Monday, July 30, 2012

MON., 7/ 30/ 12 CHEST AND BIS

I had a great workout this morning. I was a little stronger than last week. I did the same workout, except that I started with incline hammer presses instead of dumbells.
I'm going to have to back off the voume a little bit. My left lat spazzed out on me this morning before I started my workout. I stretched it and took it slow and it is going away, but that's a clear sign of  overtraining- which I have a tendancy to do and am trying to avoid. So leg day and back day will be cut back a little.

Friday, July 27, 2012

THUR., JULY 26, 2012, LEGS

This was my first leg workout using lower reps and higher volume again. It was pretty hard. I sweat buckets! It took me every bit of an hour and a half to complete this workout. My legs were pumped! I am alternating beginning the workout with hams one week and quads the next. This is a Very differrent workout for me, I plan on using it for 4 weeks.

stiff leg deadlift: 45-15; 95-15; 145-10; 185-8; 225-8; 275-8; 315-8,6
seated leg curl: 95-10; 125-8; 140-8
lying leg curl: 105-7,5; 90-8
leg extension: 60-20; 135-15; 165-15,14,12
squat: 135-10; 225-10; 275-9; 315-8; 335-8
hack squat: 90-8; 180-8; 270-8; 300-5
leg press: 540-10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 6, 6
walking lunges: 25's-up ramp(18 steps); 50's-up ramp 2x

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


JACKED UP WORKOUT TODAY. I got a killer pump! 9 sets for abs; 14sets for calves; and 27 sets for back!: pullups, rows, t-bar rows, dumbell rows, cable rows, and deadlifts--gotta row to grow!

This is what I ate yesterday, to give you an idea:
meal 1- 1 1/2cup egg white; 1cup oatmeal; 1/2cup blueberries; 1oz mixed nuts; tbs flaxseed oil
meal 2- chicken breast; sweet potato
meal 3- chicken breast; sweet potato; apple
post workout- whey protein; elctrolyte drink; sweet potato
meal 4- chicken salad sandwich; 5 crackers
meal 5- 5eggs, 1/2c white, cheese; potato
before bed- whey protein

300g protein, 440g carb, and 120g fat (about 4100cal) just every thing a growing boy needs.

Monday, July 23, 2012

MON., 7/23/12, CHEST/BI'S

Today I started a program published by Musclular Developement. I've tailored it a little to fit my physique a little better, focussing on my weak points and allowing an extra rest day. It will definitely be differnent than my normal training routine. It is an 8 week program utilizing Hany Rambod's higher volume fst-7 style of training. Here is what my chest and biceps workout looked like:

incline dumbell press: 20's-20; 50's-8; 65's-6; 80's-8; 100s-8,6,8
incline dumbell fly: 30's-10; 40's-10; 50's-8
low cable fly: 110-8; 140-8
flat dumbell press: 80's- 8,6,6,6,7,7,8 (fst-7)
concentration curl: 20-8; 30-8; 40-8; 50-8,6
hammer curl: 35's-8; 40's-5; 35's-6
cambered bar curl: 90-6,6,6
preacher curl: 70-6,6,6,6,6,6

I got a killer pump. Fst-7 is training a  muscle normally and doing 7 sets of 1 exercise with short rest periods. It really fills the muscle with blood.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

THUR., JULY 19, 2012, LEGS

Not my usual intensity, again today(... I get to start that next week!) Mostly 15 rep sets again. I got a great pump, filled them with blood:

Leg extension: 60-30; 90-20; 120-15; 150-15; 180-15; 210-10; 180-10
     super set with leg curls: 30-20; 60-15; 75-15; 90-15,?,?,?
Squats: 135-15; 225-15; 315-10 (slow and controlled; squeezing the thighs and glutes)
Leg press: 450-15; 630-15; 450-15(slow, controlled, sueezing quads)
Seated leg curl: 95-15, 15
1-leg press: 90-15,15,15 (just a finishing pump)
then I drank a protein drink and hopped on the stationary bike and did just 10 min of HIIT for a killer pump.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Wed., July 18, 2012, Rest

I have no weight workout today. I'm just eating plenty of good food to recover and grow the muscles and get ready for tomorrows leg workout. Here is a sample of my current diet and supplementation program (it's not exactly the same every day, but it's similar. I have my basic diet, and I'll eat 1 or 2 meals with my wife):

meal 1-   1/2cup egg white; 24g whey protein; 1c oatmeal; apple; banana; tbs flax seed oil; tbs peanut butter;   supplements: Shaklee multivitamin, b-complex; Starlight International joint support, antioxidant, mens herbal supplement
meal 2-  chicken breast; sweet potato
meal 3-  chicken breast (about an hour before my workout)
(immediately after workout) 50g whey protein isolate; bcaa's; shaklee performance (elctrolytes)
meal 4-  chicken breast(with some of the skin); oatmeal; orange; Starlight starpac multi vitamin/mineral
meal 5-  chicken breast(with skin); 2c white rice; pudding for dessert --OOOHHH!; Starlight joint support and antioxidant
before bed: Starlight lullaby (helps you sleep deeper...you grow while you sleep!)

Notice it is not perfect. Some days it's cleaner, some days it is not as clean. I definitely don't have a dessert every day. Some days I also eat 8 meals...but never less than 5! It is consistancy in calories that makes results. I keep calories between 3500 and 4000, right now.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Tue, July 17, 2012, Back and Bis

My last 15 rep workout for back! I'm happy to go back to "normal" next week. For back in particular, I do not usually exceed 13 reps. It just includes my delts and biceps too much. But, hey it's good for a change for a few weeks, and less stress on the joints is really what I was after with it.

Any way, it was a great pump today- with 5 sets of rows; 3 sets pulldowns; 2 sets of 1 arm rows; 3 sets v-grip pulldowns (totaling 13 sets for back); 5 sets of alternating dumbell curls; and 3 sets of concentration curls (totaling 8 sets for biceps.) Not a whole lot of volume, but reving the intensity back up a little.

Sunday, July 15, 2012


YES! I am still alive. I've been pretty busy, but keeping up the plan:
This past week I trained chest/tris on Monday, back/bis Tuesday, legs on Thursday(and they are in pain today from it!), and shoulders/calves Friday. It's still fairly low volume, but intensifying it a little bit now. And still doing these stinking sets of 15 reps, the pump is great, but I cannot use a whole lot of weight. This was my workout on Friday:

Monday, July 9, 2012

Mon., July 9, 2012, Chest and Tri's

Well for the last 5 days I was in Rodanthe with my family on vacation. It was nice. I ate a lot of food- junk food and good food. No workouts, no cardio except a few walks on the beach, no training log, no bed time, no alarm clock....and a million relatives- it was fun. It is good to back home and back in routine for a while, though...I am, as my wife constantly reminds me, a creature of habit.  I got up at 4:20 this morning ate 1 1/2cup egg whites, 1tbs peanut butter, 1cup oatmeal, an apple and a handful of blueberries. 2 1/2 hours later, after training 1 client, I ate a chicken breast. An hour after that, having trained another client, I hit chest and triceps with:
 Incline Hammer Strength Press: 20-20; 50-16; 90-15; 180-15; 270-15 (2reps better than last week)
flat db press: 50's-15; 65's-15; 75's-15
dips: 15, 15, 15
pushdowns: 70-15; 100-15; 130-15; 160-9; 130-11
lying triceps extension: 70-15, 6, 7, 8 + dips
immediately drank a whey isolate drink and cooled down on the treadmill for 10 minutes.

I weighed myself after the workout. I weigh 184lb, something like 15-20lb more than I did at the Mr Universe cotest....ha ha! I can eat some food! Time to calm that down a little.

Monday, July 2, 2012

JULY 02, 2012, LEGS

I got a great leg workout in this morning. This was my 2nd leg workout since the Universe contest. I'm just trying to recover and start to grow again now but I'm not going intense yet. I'm doing all sets of 15 which weakens me with the warmups and feel sets so I'm not using so much weight...pumping and feeling the muscles. I did a "backward leg workout" today:

5sets of seated calf raises; 5sets of calf raises on the leg press; 6 super sets of leg extensions and leg curls; 2 sets of hack squats; 6sets of leg presses; 2 sets of narrow stance squats; 2 sets of 1-leg extensions; and 3 super sets of hyper extensions and leg raises.

Good pump but not crazy intense.