Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Wed., Dec. 19, 2012, Leg Day

Today I officially broke the routine: I trained my legs on Wednesday. If you've followed me, you know that for a long time I've been training legs on thursday. I recently changed the split: now it's day#1 chest/ tri's; day#2 back/bi's; day#3 shoulders; day#4 legs. This increases my frequency a bit because I'm usually training 5 days a week- so 1 day gets hit twice and it changes every week.

So today's workout: NUTS!
I started with hamstrings- lying leg curls: 30-20; 60-15; 90-12; 120-11
followed by seated leg curl: 110-12; 125-10; 140-9
Then it got fun-
squat: 45-20; 135-10; 225-6; 315-30
reverse lunges: 95-10
leg extension: 135-14

.....I want a pizza!

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