Thursday, January 24, 2013

thur., jan. 24, 2013, back/ bi's

I got a good workout in this morning. It was a little rough, because everything is sore and stiff. This being the first week of contest prep, my body is still adjusting to the training schedule: 6 days a week working with weights, ab training, cardio, and the real difference to me is posing practice every day- flexing every muscle in my body! Everything is sore. Over the next week or so my body will be use to is and it won't hurt so much. But, here is today's workout:
Wide grip pull-ups: 12,12,12,11
T-bar row: 45-10; 90-10; 135-9
rows: 135-8; 185-8; 235-8+1
V-grip pulldown: 180-12; 200-8; 220-6+2
curl: 50-12; 80-10; 110-?+drop
hammer concentration curl: 30-10,6,4+2
1-arm machine curl: 80-10, 6+2, 4+2
cable curl: 100-17

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Last Day of Off-Season

Yes, 30 weeks of off season has been accomplished, and now I begin contest prep for the 2013 Tournament of Champions. But first, here is what my last off season workout looked like:
Chest and Triceps-
incline dumbell press:sets of 10 increasing weight 10lb each set from 30's up to 100's
cable cross-overs: 100-? + 4 drop sets
seated free motion cable chest press: 50-12; 60-?; 70-6
flat dumbell press: 70's-?
rope pushdown: 60-20; 90-12; 120-10
seated tri ex: 50-20; 75-15; 100-9
lying 1-arm ex: 40-7,5

So there it is. I'm starting a new blog entitled: Levi Burge: 2013 Contest Prep. Check it out!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Thur., 1/17/13, Legs

Killer leg pump this morning! It was what I call a typical leg day for me- low volume, high intensity. Here is what it looked like:
squat: 45-20; 95-6; 135-6; 225-6; 315-5;   365-20
leg press: 450-10; 630- 7-9(I'm not sure, but they were focussed and intense)
seated leg curl: 110-10; 125-10; 140-10
lying leg curl: 75-10
Note: The entire workout is focussed on, and really accomplished by, the one set of squats with 365 puonds. The quads, hams and glutes are all toast after this one set, the rest is just detail work.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wed., 1/16/13, Calves/Shoulders

I got a great pump in both the calves and the delts this morning. Here is what I did:
calf press: 90-20; 180-15; 270-15; 360-12; 450-10; 520-10; 590-10; 660-8
smith machine calf raise: 180-12; 270-10; 360-10
seated dumbell press: 20's-10; 35's-12; 50's-10; 65's-10; 80's-9
laterals: 20's-12; 30's-12, 10, 9
incline rears: 30's-15; 40's-12; 50's-10
laterals: 40's-6 + 30's-6 + 20's-6(drop-set style)
shrugs: 135-15; 225-10; 315-12
And they were pumped.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Mon., 1/14/13, Back and Biceps

I got in a killer workout this morning- excellent pump, particularly in the back. I kept it pretty short, just 1-3 working sets per exercise. Check it out:

row: 45-20; 95-12; 135-10; 185-10; 225-8; 275-8
wide pull-ups: 12,12,10
1-arm row: 100-10,8
close pulldown: 225-8
dumbell preacher curl: 20's-10; 30's-10; 40's-?
spider curl: 5 sets with a 30 lb dumbell back and forth with no rest
hammer grip rope curls:90-12,12,10

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Sat., 1/12/13, Chest/ Tri's

Back on track today! Feeling good, and got an excellent pump this morning. My abs are actually sore from my little ab circuit yesterday, ha ha. So, just chest and triceps today 3 exercises each and 1-3 working sets per exercise. Here it is:
incline hammer strength press: 20-20; 50-10; 90-10; 180-6; 270-6; 360-8 + fail + drop
flat dumbell press: 50's-15; 75's-12; 100's-6
cable crossover: 100-8; 90-8; 80-? + 1 set on the bosu: 60-?
seated triceps extension: 40-20; 60-15; 80-15; 110-10
lying triceps extension: 90-9
1-arm rope pushdown: 70-?,?

Friday, January 11, 2013

Fri., 1/11/13, Calves and Abs

So, yes- I did nothing but calves, abs and cardio today. I was scheduled to train chest and tri's, but my left elbow was feeling shakey yesterday, so I played it safe. I dislocated my left elbow playing a kids game in 2009, and tore my left rotator cuff moving a dresser in 2011, so that side is a little funny and I have to be careful. That is also why you NEVER  see me do a flat bench press. I am hard- headed enough to find exercises to work the muscle- I will never give up- but there are moves that I just can't do without pain.
Today I did 9 sets of calf presses, 4 sets of smith machine calf raises, an ab circuit that I threw some back extensions in and 20 minutes on the great Stair Master- great pump, good sweat!
...elbow feels good today, just not into unneccessary risks, so chest tommorrow!