Friday, January 11, 2013

Fri., 1/11/13, Calves and Abs

So, yes- I did nothing but calves, abs and cardio today. I was scheduled to train chest and tri's, but my left elbow was feeling shakey yesterday, so I played it safe. I dislocated my left elbow playing a kids game in 2009, and tore my left rotator cuff moving a dresser in 2011, so that side is a little funny and I have to be careful. That is also why you NEVER  see me do a flat bench press. I am hard- headed enough to find exercises to work the muscle- I will never give up- but there are moves that I just can't do without pain.
Today I did 9 sets of calf presses, 4 sets of smith machine calf raises, an ab circuit that I threw some back extensions in and 20 minutes on the great Stair Master- great pump, good sweat!
...elbow feels good today, just not into unneccessary risks, so chest tommorrow!

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