Saturday, January 5, 2013

Sat., 01/15/13, Legs

2 weeks from today I begin contest prep for the WNBF Pro Tournament of Champions. I have been taking in fewer calories over the past 9 days due to getting a stomache virus that, the words of the great Apollo Creed, dropped me "like a bad habbit." Getting sick does many things: decreases muscle mass, decreases metabolism, halts muscle growth, zaps strength levels, psychs you out....
But, beginning today I will increase my calories significantly (aiming to get 3500-4000 a day) until contest prep to increase my metabolism. I intend on staying on a four day training split for now: chest and tri's day 1, back and bi's day 2, shoulders and calves day 3, quads and hams day 4. I will really train by instinct, which means I'll take the rest days as needed- may do 6 days a week, may do 4. I have 2 weeks to bring muscle and metabolism back up to par- then it's on. I'll do 20 minutes of cardio 5-6 days a week, throwing in a little interval work a couple days a week.

So here is what today's workout looked like. (I had the unusual privilege of training with Sonny Macaranus. I normally train alone, because of my weird schedule. Sonny has always been great inspiration for me, plus he is stronger on most lifts than me so I get pushed.):

squats: 45-20; 95-12; 135-10; 185-10; 225-10; 275-10; 325-10; 345-10; 365-10
leg press: 450-12; 630-10; 860-9
seated leg curl: 110-12; 125-12; 140-10
standing 1-leg curl: 75-12

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