Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wed., 1/16/13, Calves/Shoulders

I got a great pump in both the calves and the delts this morning. Here is what I did:
calf press: 90-20; 180-15; 270-15; 360-12; 450-10; 520-10; 590-10; 660-8
smith machine calf raise: 180-12; 270-10; 360-10
seated dumbell press: 20's-10; 35's-12; 50's-10; 65's-10; 80's-9
laterals: 20's-12; 30's-12, 10, 9
incline rears: 30's-15; 40's-12; 50's-10
laterals: 40's-6 + 30's-6 + 20's-6(drop-set style)
shrugs: 135-15; 225-10; 315-12
And they were pumped.

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