Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thur., Aug. 30, 2012, LEG DAY!

I had an awesome leg workout this morning! My volume was low and my intensity HIGH! This is my complete leg workout:
leg extension: 30lb 40 reps; standing 1-leg curl: 30lb 15 reps; stretch thoroughly;
Squat: 45-20; 95-6; 135-6; 225-6; 315-4;   365lb 19reps
Leg Press: 360-10; 540-10; 720-10
Standing 1-Leg Curl: 45-12; 60-12; 105-6, 90-6, 75-6;
stretch thoroughly; 20 treadmill

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wed., Aug. 29, 2012, Rest

I am off today. I have a whole chicken, a whey protein shake, 1 cup oatmeal, 2 cups white rice, a sweet potatoe, and an orange in my cooler that will be gone by tonight. Eat, Grow.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Tue., Aug. 28, 2012, Back

 I got an excellent back workout in this morning. I didn't go really heavy on anything, I just felt the muscle and pushed it hard, squeezing every rep, and hit it from every side:

Close-underhand-pulldowns: 60lb-?; 80-?; 110-?; 140-10; 170-10; 200-8; 220-6; 240-6
T-bar rows: 45-12; 90-12; 135-13
Wide pulldowns: 120-12; 135-?; 150-10+ 1 set of hyper extensions
Rows:135-8+ 1 set of hypers; 225-8,8,6
...only 6 working sets- not too much volume- but a great pump.

Best meal of the week:

3oz chicken breast; 5 oz lean beef; 2 eggs; 4 small red potatoes-- about 70g protein, 70g carb, and 50g fat (obviously I would only eat this meal once a day, as it has half of my daily fat.)

Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday, August 27, 2012, Calves, Chest, and Bi's

I got a great workout this morning. After 3 days off I was feeling good. Though I must say that I felt a little nausiated at the beginning of the workout, because I ate a bunch of junk food yesterday. But by the end of the workout I was good.
I did bosu ball crunches for abs; calf presses and seated raises for calves; incline Hammer Strength presses, flat dumbell press, incline dumbell press, and dips for chest; and dumbell curls, concentration curls, and 1 drop set of hammer curls for biceps. I finished up with 20 minutes on the treadmill.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Fri., Aug. 24, 2012, Rest

Still not wanting to any stress on my neck, (though it is feeling good today) I am not training until Monday because all upper body moves stress the trapezius. So I have 3 rest days to eat good food and recover. I should be fully recuperated and ready to roll by then.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Thur., Aug. 23, 2012, Light Legs

I've had a tweek in my neck the past couple days, so I didn't do anything that puts stress on the neck- no squats! This is all I did:
leg raises super set with hypers extensions 3 sets of 20
leg press: 180-40; 360-10; 540-10; 720-10; 900-10
leg extension: 90-30, 30, 27, 13
  super set with leg curls: 60-20; 75-20; 90-10,8 no rest at all back and forth

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tue., Aug. 21, 2012, Back/ Calves

I was stiff as a board this morning. It was a great wokout yesterday, but it left me very sore in the chest, shoulders and biceps. That made me not really to excited about training back today. But it went well. I did 5 sets of seated calf raises, 4 sets of calf presses, and 4 sets of standing smith machine raises for calves- a good pump. The basics for back: Bent over rows, weighted pull-ups, old style
V-grip rows, T-bars, and behind the neck pulldowns. Good pump, again my volume for back is a little lower because it is one of my strong points. I'm really focussing on thickening up the upper back, so rows are overhand grip and I go wide on T-bars. I got 30 minutes on the stepmill afterward, and that's it.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Mon., Aug. 20, 2012, Chest/ Bis

I had a great workout this morning. I did more volume for chest, because this is an area I want to thicken up a bit. I'm a little stronger than last week- climbing the ladder!
So here it is:
2 sets of bosu ball crunches and 1 set hanging leg raises for abs.
(chest) Incline hammer strength press: 20-20; 50-10; 90-10; 180-6; 270-6; 360-9; 270-8
incline dumbell press: 70's-8; 80's-6; 90's-6; 100's-8+2
crossovers: 90-8, 6
dips: 10, 10, 11
flat dumbell press: 50's-12; 60's-10; 70's-8; 80's-8, 7, 6; 60's-10
(biceps) curls: 45-8; 65-8; 85-8; 105-7, 6
seated hammer curl: 35's- 10, 9, 11
concentration curls: 30-6; 40-6; 50-6; 40-6; 30-8

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Fri., Aug. 17, 2012, Abs/ Calves/ Shoulders/ Tris

Abs, calves, shoulders, and triceps- that's a big workout! It was a total (warm ups included) of 44 sets (3 for abs, 8 for calves, 26 for shoulders, 8for triceps):
2 sets of crunches on a bosu ball and 1 set on a swiss ball
8 sets of smith machine calf raises
6sets of seated dumbell presses
4 sets of seated laterals
4 sets of rear laterals
4 sets of hammer strength presses
3 super sets of alternate dumbell front raise and laterals
5 sets of barbell shrugs
5 sets of rope pushdowns
2 sets of machine tri extension
1 super set of lying tri extension and close bench press

It was supposed to be just shoulders and tris, but I added some abs and extra calf work.... One step closer to the goal...

Friday, August 17, 2012

Thur., 8/ 17/ 12, 3 SET LEG DAY

I had a great leg workout yeterday. It was another of my 3 set leg workouts- 2 working sets for quads and 1 working set for hams. The theory is to warm up thoroughly and totally dedicate all my energy and focus into that 1 set, taking it to failure and beyond. It stimulates the muscles to grow, but the low volume prevents overtraining ("stimulate, don't annihalate" -Lee haney.) I did 4 feel sets for squats, 2 feelers for leg press and 2 warmups for leg curls. At the end of the workout I threw in 2 low intensity sets of hyper extensions.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Mon., Aug. 13, 2012, Chest/ Bis

I got a killer pump this morning! The thumb wouldn't touch the shoulder... Pumped! I am again combining theories: low volume and high volume. How do I do that? you ask...I'm not entirely sure, but it basicly fleshed out as doing several "feel sets" and just 1 or 2 total failure sets. Here is what todays workout was:
incline hammer strength: 20-20; 50-12; 70-10; 180-6; 270-6; 360-7; 270-8
incline db press: 70's-8; 80's-8; 90's-8
machine fly: 140-10; 160-10; 180-7
dips: 10, 8,8
alternate db curl: 20's-6; 30's-6; 40's-6; 50's-6; 60's-5
concentration curl: 50's-8,6,5 (back and forth with no rest)
cable curl: 120-12, 11, 9

Friday, August 10, 2012


Another good workout today. I am getting stronger. And my shoulder (which I hurt pretty bad moving a dresser a year and a half ago) is doing very well, better than the other, ha ha.
I'm really focussed on bringing my delts up this offseason, so my volume is higher than I'm doing for other muscles. Here's todays workout:
seated dumbell press: 20's-15; 35's-10; 50's-8; 65's-8; 80's-8; 70's-8
seated laterals: 20's-10; 30's-10; 40's-6; 30's-12
incline rear laterals: 30's-10; 40's-10; 50's-8,8
hammer strength press(facing the pad): 90-8; 140-8; 190-5,6
alternate dumbell front raise: 20's-8; 30's-8; 40's- 8; 50's-6
seated dumbell shrug: 75's-10; 100's-10, 10,10
skull crushers: 50-15; 70-8; 90-8; 110-9, 6, 6
seated triceps extension: 100-20

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Tue., Aug. 8, 2012, Abs/ Calves/ Back

2 sets bosu crunch
1 set hanging leg raise
6sets calf presses
3sets seated calf
3 sets wide pullups
1 drop set seated row
1 set close pulldown
1 set rows
3 sets behind the neck pulldown
 ...that's todays workout. A little different. It was a great pump, and not too much volume. I'm trying not to over do the volume. Intensity is the key here. Few sets focussed! I really just went by feel. I knew I would do wide pull ups and rows, everything else was just what I felt like.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

SUN, AUG 5, 2012, LEGS

Today I went to the gym with the mind set that I was going to do 3 sets (working sets that is)- 1 set of squats, 1 set of leg presses and 1 set of leg curls all to total muscular failure.
I warmed my legs a little with 5 minutes walking on the treadmill, then a very light set of leg extensions and leg curls with thorough stretching. Then for squats I did 3 warm up sets with 95lb, 135, and 225. Then one very focussed intense set with 315lb for 25 reps and a fail. Next for leg presses I did 1 feel set with 540lb and one very focussed failure set of 860lb for 9 reps. And I finished up with leg curls one feel set with 75lb and one failure set with 120lb for 12reps plus 2 rest pause sets of 2 reps.
It was a killer pump! My heart rate was through the roof. After the squats I could not see straight for about 5 minutes.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

SAT., AUG. 4, 2012, Rest!?

The last couple days have been a little extra off time. My wife and I just had our second son on thursday. So I have not trained at all since Tuesday, because Wednesday was a scheduled rest day. My wife's water broke at 3:55am on Thursday. My immediate response was, "Do I have time to cook some chicken?"...Ha Haa!...Just barely. We left at 5am, with cooling chicken and a cooler full of sweet potatoes, oatmeal and apples; and had the baby at the hospital (a one hour drive from my house) at 6:43am... a little close.
We had 2 nights in the hospital. I got the fold out chair as I would not want to leave my wife by herself at the hospital. I still got more sleep than she did. She is a champ though. They just let us come home late this morning, so sleep and adjusting a nursing schedule is what's up today. Either tomorrow or Moday I will pick up training. I kept my calories up and ate plenty of good food, though I also ate some junk in between.