Friday, August 10, 2012


Another good workout today. I am getting stronger. And my shoulder (which I hurt pretty bad moving a dresser a year and a half ago) is doing very well, better than the other, ha ha.
I'm really focussed on bringing my delts up this offseason, so my volume is higher than I'm doing for other muscles. Here's todays workout:
seated dumbell press: 20's-15; 35's-10; 50's-8; 65's-8; 80's-8; 70's-8
seated laterals: 20's-10; 30's-10; 40's-6; 30's-12
incline rear laterals: 30's-10; 40's-10; 50's-8,8
hammer strength press(facing the pad): 90-8; 140-8; 190-5,6
alternate dumbell front raise: 20's-8; 30's-8; 40's- 8; 50's-6
seated dumbell shrug: 75's-10; 100's-10, 10,10
skull crushers: 50-15; 70-8; 90-8; 110-9, 6, 6
seated triceps extension: 100-20

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