Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tue., Aug. 21, 2012, Back/ Calves

I was stiff as a board this morning. It was a great wokout yesterday, but it left me very sore in the chest, shoulders and biceps. That made me not really to excited about training back today. But it went well. I did 5 sets of seated calf raises, 4 sets of calf presses, and 4 sets of standing smith machine raises for calves- a good pump. The basics for back: Bent over rows, weighted pull-ups, old style
V-grip rows, T-bars, and behind the neck pulldowns. Good pump, again my volume for back is a little lower because it is one of my strong points. I'm really focussing on thickening up the upper back, so rows are overhand grip and I go wide on T-bars. I got 30 minutes on the stepmill afterward, and that's it.

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