Saturday, August 4, 2012

SAT., AUG. 4, 2012, Rest!?

The last couple days have been a little extra off time. My wife and I just had our second son on thursday. So I have not trained at all since Tuesday, because Wednesday was a scheduled rest day. My wife's water broke at 3:55am on Thursday. My immediate response was, "Do I have time to cook some chicken?"...Ha Haa!...Just barely. We left at 5am, with cooling chicken and a cooler full of sweet potatoes, oatmeal and apples; and had the baby at the hospital (a one hour drive from my house) at 6:43am... a little close.
We had 2 nights in the hospital. I got the fold out chair as I would not want to leave my wife by herself at the hospital. I still got more sleep than she did. She is a champ though. They just let us come home late this morning, so sleep and adjusting a nursing schedule is what's up today. Either tomorrow or Moday I will pick up training. I kept my calories up and ate plenty of good food, though I also ate some junk in between.

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