Friday, September 28, 2012

Fri., Sep. 28, 2012, Shoulders

Today was the last time I do  this particular crazy shoulder pump for 4-6 weeks. It was killer just like the last 3 times I did it. My delts were so tight it felt like I coouldn't put my arms all the was down.
Here's the workout:

laterals: 20's-20 + 15's-15 + 10's-10 I got through this 4 1/2 times with 1 minute between sets.
seated dumbell press: 50's-10; 65's-10; 75's-6
incline rear laterals: 30's-10; 40's-10; 50's-9
seated dumbell shrugs: 50's-15; 75's-15; 100's-?

Then I added in some extra calf work:
smith machine calf raise: 90-15; 180-12; 270-10;360-10; 450-8

Thursday, September 27, 2012

THUR., SEP. 27,2012, LEGS

Trying to be smart, and taking the advice of those older and wiser than me, I decided not to try to set record this week. So I changed my workout  a little bit. I hit failure on everything, but wore myself out before I got to big weight so that I wouldn't be able to do as much. Here is what I did:

leg extension: 45-30; 90-20; (1-leg) 75-12,10; 135-12; 180-12; 225-10
superset leg curl: 30-20; 45-15; 60-12; 75-12; 90-12; 105-9,6

squat: 135-12; 225-12; 315-12; 405-5

smith machine lunges: 90-8, 8, 10
superset hyperextension: 12, 12, 12
...and that was it. They were pumped and I was exausted.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wed., Sep. 26, 2012, Calves

I had a very short workout today- just calves. I saved calves for today because I thought I would get a better workout if I did them by themselves. I did just 2 exercises: 1-calf presses and regular calf presses... and I have no idea how many sets I did- a bunch. They are pumped. I was visualizing the calves of Nasser El Sonbaty (look him up.)

I haven't done a diet update in a while. This is what I ate yesterday:

meal 1-  1 1/2vup egg white; 1cup oatmeal; 1tbs olive oil
meal 2- chicken breast
immediately post workout- 50g whey protein, bcaa's, glutamine, creatine
meal 3- chicken breast; 3 smal sweet potatoes
meal 4- chicken breast; small sweet potato; apple
meal 5- protein shake
meal 6-  6 eggs(yes with the yolk); sausage; about 1cup grits, cheese

It's not exactly what I eat every day but it is a good representation.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tue., Sep. 25, 2012, Arms

It's the fun day. The day everybody loves. It doesn't take nearly as much out of you as legs or back or even chest....So how do I make it as uncomfortable as possible....
To start with I only had 55g of carb before my workout (I normally like to get at least 100g) and the workout was 5 1/2 hours after I woke up. Half hour after waking I ate my 1 1/2cup egg white and 1cup oatmeal with some fishoil and olive oil. 3 hours after that I had a chicken breast with no carbs (I was in a little time crunch.) So my pre-workout drink is 16oz water and visualizing Phil Heath's arms.

incline dumbell curls: 10's/ 15's/ 25's/ 35's/ 45's-8
superset w/ rope pushdowns: 50/ 70/ 100/ 130/ 160-7

concentration curl: 35-8; 45-6; 55-8
superset lying triceps extension: 70-10; 90-8; 110-8

cable curls: 120-12, 8; 100-?
superset reverse pushdown: 120-12, 10; 100-?

seated hammer curl: 30's- 12, ?
superset seated 1 arm ex.: 30-15,8


Monday, September 24, 2012


So here's the workout for today, set for set. I got an excellent pump. I was not quite as out of breath as last week, but it was still pretty intense.

incline hammer strength press: 20-20; 50-12;   90-12; 180-10; 270-10; 360-6
     superset w/ bent over rows: 45-20; 95-12; 135-12; 185-10; 225-10; 275-6

incline dumbell press:             70's-12; 85's-10; 100's-9
superset w/ 1arm dumbell rows:70-12; 85-10; 100-10

machine fly:                                         150-12; 170-9
superset w/ straight arm rope pulldowns: 130-?, 6

pullover: 50-15, 9

Friday, September 21, 2012

Fri., Sep. 21, 2012, Shoulders

I really like training my shoulders by themselves, it allows me to focus on them and really put the work in without over-doing it. This was my 3rd time that I've done the same basic workout, and it is killer. The pump is insane. It literal feels like I cannot lift my arms over my head they are so tight. Here is what this weeks' rendition looked like:
light cuff work
Laterals: 10's-10; 15's-8; 20's-20/15's-15/10's-10 I did this double drop 4 times and finished with a single drop of 20's rest pausing to 20 and 15's rest pausing to 15. They Were PUMPED!
seated dumbell press: 50's-10; 65's-10; 75's-6
incline rear laterals: 20's-15; 35's-10; 50's-8
shrugs: 135-12; 225-12; 315-9

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Thur., Sep. 20, 2012, Legs

Killer Pump Today! My legs were (and still are) swollen! It was basicly the same workout I've been doing with a couple modifications:

squats: 45-20; 95-6; 135-6; 225-6; 315-4; 385-15

leg press: 450-10; 630-10; 860-10
   superset with leg curls: 90-10; 105-10; 120-8

seated leg curl: 110-12, 8, 9

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Tue., Sep. 18, 2012, Arms/ Calves

I'm keeping calves on Tuesday because it seems like the best time to get them. The arm super sets were awesome. My arms were crazy pumped! Here's the wokout:

Calf press: 90-15; 180-15; 270-15; 360-15; 450-15; 540-15; 680-10,10
seated calf: 90-12; 140-12; 190-8+ 2 drop sets
smith calf raise: 180-12; 270-10,12
abb circuit: roman chair, bosu, reverse crunch, hypers, crunch

incline curl: 10's-15; 20's-12; 30's-10; 40's-10; 30's-8
(superset) rope pushdown: 50-30; 80-12; 110-10; 140-8; reverse grip straight bar-150-10?

concentration curl: 40-8, 8, 7
(superset) lying tri extension: 90-8,8,8

seated hammer curl: 30's-10,8,8
(superset) seated 1 arm extension: 30-15, 12,10.....COULD'NT TOUCH MY SHOULDER PUMP!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Monday, Sep. 17, 2012, Chest/ Back

I'm switching my split around a little to give the body a change. Now Monday is chest and back; Tuesday is biceps and triceps; Wednesday is rest; Thursday is legs; Friday is shoulders; and Saturday and Sunday are off. I will do this for a while and then switch it up again. It is a major change! Super sets (going back and forth with little to no rest) are hard- my forearms are on fire and my heart rate is through the roof! Here's what the workout looks like:

incline dumbell press: 15's-20; 30's-15; 50's-10; 65's-8; 80's-8; 90's-8; 100's-10
{super set dumbell row:             "                                                            100's-7

flat dumbell press:       85's-12; 100's-8; 85's-9
{superset V-pulldown: 180-12; 195-8; 180-8  

incline hammer strength: 180-10; 230-8,8
{superset wide pulldown: 150-10; 170-8,7

dips:                             10, 10, 10
{superset seated rows: 160-10, 10, 8

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Sat., Sep. 15, 2012, Delts/ Tris

This was my second of at least 4 shoulder workouts starting with 5 drop sets of lateral raises. I'm shooting for 5 sets: 20lb-20/ 15lb-15/ 10lb-10. Last week I got 3 complete and did the last 2 with fewer reps. This morning I got 4 completed by the skin on my teeth and 1 set with fewer. My shoulders get so tight after this first exercise that it is hard to bring the dumbells back into position for presses- it's awesome! The video is from last Friday (09/07.)

Thursday, September 13, 2012

9/13/12, Thursday/LegDay/ 25 Birthday

So ever since last thursday, when I had this great revelation that my 25th birthday just happened to fall on leg day, I have been planning this workout- contemplating the weight; visualising Tom Platz' legs and his intensity; praying for strength to do what I had never done: squat 350lb for 25 reps (one rep for each year.)
So here is my happy 25th birthday workout:
10minutes stationary bike; light leg curls; light leg extensions; stretch thoroughly
SQUAT: 45-20; 95-6; 135-6; 225-4; 275-4;   350lb- 25reps
leg press: 450-10; 630-10; 860-10
leg curl: 60-12; 75-10; 90-8; 105-8
20 minutes treadmill; stretch thoroughly....EAT FOOD!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Catch up!

No, I have not missed workouts or got sick or given up or anything... I left my cumputer at my inlaws..ha ha. I've been killing it in the gym! Friday's delt workout was nuts! I'll write about that when I get the video up. Yesterday was chest and biceps. It went great. I started doing incline dumbell curls again and they got PUMPED! My volume is still low and intensity is off the charts. I am feeling good and getting stronger.
I have a pretty psycho goal for this Thursday (leg day).....stay tuned.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


One more workout, one more rep! I had an awesome leg workout! My good friend and training partner, Buddy was there to help me push through the big set- squat 365 for 20 reps! There's always a little dred of this one set, but I look foward to it at the same time- a war in my head.
So here it is:
squat: 45-20; 95-6; 135-6; 225-6; 315-4;   365-20
leg press: 360-10; 540-10; 720-10
seated leg curl: 95-15; 140-8+ hypers
lying leg curl: 135-4+90-3+hypers

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Food Update

I am not eating the exact same thing every day, but I am getting a close number on macronutrients: about 280g protein, 300-400g carb and 100g fat. This is what I ate yesterday:
meal 1: 50g whey protein; 1cup oatmeal
meal 2: 1 1/2 cup egg white; 150g sweet potato; apple
meal 3: 4oz turkey burger
(train) post workout: 50g whey protein, bcaa's
meal 4: 4oz chicken breast; 1/2cup black beans; salsa; a little cheese; about 20 multi grain tortilla chips
meal 5: 6 eggs; salsa; 2 english muffins
meal 6: 6 turkey meat balls; 2 red potatoes
(about 270g protien, 310g carb, and 125g fat)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Tue., Sep. 4, 2012, Back/ Calves

Sometimes calf training is a little discouraging to me, because it seems like no matter how hard I train them they do not want to respond- high rep, low rep, high intensity, low intensity, more sets, fewer sets.... Oh well, right?! Just keep pushing!
Today's workout looked like this:
calf press: start with 90lb and did sets of 15 til I couldn't get 15 (680lb) + 1set
seated calf: 90-12; 140-10; 190-8; 90-20
smith machine calf raise: 180-15; 270-10, 15
Rows: 4 feel sets then 275 for 8 or 9- total failure
close-underhand pulldowns: 2 feel sets; 225-10- failure
seated row: 200-10(?-failure)
wide-hammer-grip pulldown: 200-?-failure + 1 set behind the neck with 150

Monday, September 3, 2012

Mon. Sep. 3, 2012, Chest/ Bis

I had a great workout this morning. I have lowered my volume a little to focus on getting good intensity and being able to recover fully. I only did 4 working sets for chest and 4 for biceps- and they were good! Here it is:
incline hammer strength press: 20-20; 50-12; 90-10; 180-6; 270-6; 360-9 + fail + 3 drops
incline dumbell press: 50's-6; 75's-6; 100's-11
flat dumbell press: 50's-6; 75's-6; 100's-10
dips: 8; 25lb-6; 45lb- ?
incline dumbell curl: 15's-12; 25's-10; 35's-8+ rest-pause+ rest-pause
concentration curl: 40-6; 60-5+3
cable curl: 90-15; 120-12; 150-7

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Fri Aug 31 2012 Shoulders and Tris

I got a great shoulder and triceps workout, a killer pump. I am getting stronger on all my movements. I've been doing very low volume for my triceps- only a few working sets- and they are stronger. I did as many reps on the french press at the end of this workout as I had been getting at the beginning, with the same weight! I think I may decrease the volume on all my muscle groups!