Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wed., Sep. 26, 2012, Calves

I had a very short workout today- just calves. I saved calves for today because I thought I would get a better workout if I did them by themselves. I did just 2 exercises: 1-calf presses and regular calf presses... and I have no idea how many sets I did- a bunch. They are pumped. I was visualizing the calves of Nasser El Sonbaty (look him up.)

I haven't done a diet update in a while. This is what I ate yesterday:

meal 1-  1 1/2vup egg white; 1cup oatmeal; 1tbs olive oil
meal 2- chicken breast
immediately post workout- 50g whey protein, bcaa's, glutamine, creatine
meal 3- chicken breast; 3 smal sweet potatoes
meal 4- chicken breast; small sweet potato; apple
meal 5- protein shake
meal 6-  6 eggs(yes with the yolk); sausage; about 1cup grits, cheese

It's not exactly what I eat every day but it is a good representation.

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