Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tue., Sep. 25, 2012, Arms

It's the fun day. The day everybody loves. It doesn't take nearly as much out of you as legs or back or even chest....So how do I make it as uncomfortable as possible....
To start with I only had 55g of carb before my workout (I normally like to get at least 100g) and the workout was 5 1/2 hours after I woke up. Half hour after waking I ate my 1 1/2cup egg white and 1cup oatmeal with some fishoil and olive oil. 3 hours after that I had a chicken breast with no carbs (I was in a little time crunch.) So my pre-workout drink is 16oz water and visualizing Phil Heath's arms.

incline dumbell curls: 10's/ 15's/ 25's/ 35's/ 45's-8
superset w/ rope pushdowns: 50/ 70/ 100/ 130/ 160-7

concentration curl: 35-8; 45-6; 55-8
superset lying triceps extension: 70-10; 90-8; 110-8

cable curls: 120-12, 8; 100-?
superset reverse pushdown: 120-12, 10; 100-?

seated hammer curl: 30's- 12, ?
superset seated 1 arm ex.: 30-15,8


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