Friday, November 30, 2012

Fri., Nov. 30, 2012, Calves, Shoulders

I got an excellent workout in this morning. I got a great pump! Here's what it looked like:

calf press: 90-12; 180-12; 270-12; 360-12; 450-10
smith machine calf raise: 90-12; 180-12; 270-11+ 1drop set

bosu crunch: 30,30,30

seated dumbell press: 20's-20; 35's-15; 50's-12; 65's-10; 80's-10
laterals: 20's-15; 30's-12; 40's-10
incline rear laterals: 25's-15; 35's-10; 50's-8
seated dumbell shrug: 50's-15; 75's-15; 100's-12

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thur., Nov 11, 2012, Leg Day

I started with Quads today, keeping the sets pretty close together, doing higher reps to start and increasing the weight and decreasing reps as the sets went on, and some straight sets of 10- basic stuff:

Squat: 45-20; 95-15; 135-12; 225-12; 315-12; 405-6
alternating lunge: 95-10; 115-10; 135-10
leg press: 450-10; 720-10
seated leg curl: 95-15; 125-10,8
leg curl: 60-12; 75-10; 90-8

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wed., Nov. 28, 2012, Arms

Good workout today- excellent pump in the biceps and triceps. I did 6 supersets of dumbell curls and rope pushdowns, 2 supersets of machine curls and machine exensions, 2 supersets of hammer curls and seated 1-arm extensions, 2 straight sets of concentration curls, and 2 straight sets of lying dumbell extensions.

Update on what my diet looks like- here's what I ate today:

meal #1- 5oz chicken breast; 1 cup oatmeal; 1 apple
meal #2- 5oz chicken breast; 1 cup oatmeal
post-workout: 50g whey protein
meal #3- 5oz chicken breast; about 300g sweet potato; 1 orange
meal #4- 5oz chicken breast with pasta and a little cheese
meal #5- about 8oz 93% lean ground beef, 1/2 can corn, 1/2 can black beans, salsa and cheese
before bed- 24g whey protein

Again I don't eat exactly the same thing every day, but this is a very good representation of my diet.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Tue., Nov. 27, 2012, Back/ Calves

Today I did calves and back. It was a great workout. I kept the sets close together, and really focussed on the mind-muscle connection- squeezing and flexing the muscles. I started with calves and only did one exercise, because I will do a 2nd calf workout this week. I did 8 sets of standing calf raises on a straight Smith machine going up in weight on each set. Then I super-setted hyper-extensions and crunches just pumping blood in the abs and lower back. For the lats: I warmed up with 3 sets of pulldowns then did 4 sets of wide grip pull-ups; 2 sets of free-motion pulldowns; 2 sets of high, wide grip seated rows with a straight bar; and finished with 3 sets of bent-over barbell rows. The pump was great. I ended the workout with 20 minutes on the treadmill.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Mon., 11/ 26/ 12, Chest

After 4 days off, I'm feeling refreshed and ready to rock it. I got an excellent chest workout in this afternoon! I kept the sets close together (30seconds-1minute) to pump the blood into the muscle and actuall weaken it so that I didn't have to use so much weight. The results were great... killer pump!
I start off every chest and every shoulder workout with rotator cuff exercises with light dumbells and cables (I do not like bands), after that:
incline hammer strength press: 20-20; 50-12; 90-12; 180-12; 230-10; 270-10; 320-?; 360-3+3drops
high incline dumbell press: 50's-12; 65's-12; 85's-8
dips: 12,10,10
machine fly: 170-12

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Wed., Nov. 21, 2012, Legs

Awesome workout today! Here's what it looked like:
standing leg curl: 30-15; 45-12; 60-12; 75-12; 90-10
leg curl: 90-10; 105-8
squat: 45-20; 135-10; 225-10; 315-10; 405-9
leg press: 360-10; 540-10; 720-12
smith machine lunges: 50-10; 100-10
1-calf press: 90- ?, 15,15,12,12
seated calf: 70-12, 120-10,10
smith calf: 180-12,11
20 minutes stationary bike

And they were pumped!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Tue., Nov. 20, 2012, Back/ Rear/ Delts

Today was a big workout (again I'm squeezing everything in before thanksgiving and taking 4 days off.) Here is what it looked like:

wide-grip pull-up: 12,12,10,10
face-down-incline dumbell row: 65's-12,7
row: 225-8,7
close-grip-pulldown: 225-7

incline rear lateral raise: 35's-15,10

barbell curl: 40-?; 60-12; 80-10; 100-6
concentration curl: 40-8,8
hammer curl: 30's-9,?

Monday, November 19, 2012

Mon., Nov. 19, 2012, Chest/ Shoulders/ Tri's

This week I am only training Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and am taking off Thursay through Sunday for Thanksgiving. SO, I get to do 3 jacked up workouts instead of 5 smaller workouts. I got a killer pump this morning. Anytime I do multiple bodyparts in a workout I'm not going to do as much volume, it's usually just 2-3 exercises per muscle and 2-3 sets per exercise. Here's what this morning looked like:
7 sets (including warm-ups) incline dumbell press
4 sets flat dumbell press
1 set dips and 3 sets cable crossovers

3 sets lateral raise
3 sets seated behind the neck press
2 sets alternating front raise

3 sets rope pushdowns
2 sets 1-arm lying tri-extension
2 sets 1-arm seated tri-extension

20 minutes stepmill

Friday, November 16, 2012

Fri., Nov. 16, 2012, Shoulders

Game-Face on this morning. I did abs, calves, and shoulders:
1 set bosu crunch; 1 set rope crunch; 1 set swiss ball crunch; 1 set leg raise;   5 sets calf press; 3 sets pin loaded calf press; 3 sets smith machine calf raise;   rotator cuff work; 5 sets seated dumbell press ( up to 80's for 11 reps- 2 more than last week); 3 sets machine rear laterals; 3 sets seated dumbell laterals; 2 sets Arnold press; 3 sets seated dumbell shrug;   20 minutes stepmill
It was an excellent workout; I sweat like crazy.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thur., Nov. 15, 2012, Legs

I got a great leg workout. It was a typical leg workout for me: 1 working set for each exercise with several warm-ups or feel-sets.

squat: 45-20; 95-6; 135-6; 225-6; 315-5; 365-20
hack squat: 90-10; 180-10; 270-12
leg curl: 90-10; 105-7,7
reverse lunge: 135-9

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012, Arms

Well, my back is very sore from yesterdays workout. And every thing in my upper body is sore: chest, back, delts, bi's and tri's...and today is arm day, ha ha. I got an excellent pump- no weight records, but pump. Here it is:

incline dumbell curls: 10's-?; 15's-?; 20's-10; 30's-10; 40's-8; 30's-10
super-set with rope pushdown: 50-30; 70-15; 80-?; 100-12; 120-12; 140-9; 120-?

hammer curls: 30's-12; 35's-10,?
lying tri-extension: 80-12; 100-8,10

1 arm machine curl: 65-15,?,?,7

1 arm seated tri-extension: 30-15,15,?,8

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tue., Nov. 13, 2012, Back

I really had a good workout this morning. I feel like it was the best back workout I've had recently. Everything was very controlled, and I really focussed on the lats. I stretched thoroughly and did some light ab work before starting on back. Then warmed everything very thoroughly with 3 high rep sets of pulldowns before doing anything heavy. I've just been very careful of my neck, not wanting to ding anything. So here's the workout:
pulldown: 70-12 close, 12 wide, 12 behind the neck; 110-12; 140-8
wide grip pull-up: 12,12,10,5+3  + hypers
under-grip-seated-cable row: 150-12; 170-9  + hypers
row: 225-8,8  + hypers
hammer grip(palms facing eachother) pulldown: 200-9,6+2
When I was done my lats felt tight, pumped, and huge!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Fri., Nov. 9, 2012, Calves/ Shoulders

Excellent pump this morning. I started with calves, and only did 1 exercise for them, I just did a bunch of sets:
calf press: 90-20; 180-15; 270-15; 360-15; 450-11,12,10,10,8
leg raise: 20,20+20 crunches
seated dumbell press: 20's-25; 35's-15; 50's-12; 60's-10; 70's-10; 80's-9
incline rear lateral: 40's-10,10,10
seated lateral: 20's-12,12; 25's-12; 30's-?; 35's-7
hammer strength press (facing pad): 90-20; 140-12; 190-6
shrug (slow squeeze): 135-15; 225-12; 245-12; 265-10

I was a good bit stronger than last week. The workout was pretty much the same, but I beat last weeks workout on just about every working set! ....growing some muscle.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thur., 11/08/12 LEG DAY!

Typically days before leg day I am visualizing the workout; knowing what weight I will use and how many reps I am striving for. It takes a lot of mental preparation to do one of my leg workouts; the intensity is incredible. I have been running all over, doing stuff all week. And yesterday afternoon I reallized that today was leg day and I had not even thought about the workout at hand. So this morning I was not going to try some new weight or break any records. I was just going to super-set quads and then super-set hams: 4 exercises total, 2 quads and 2 hams. And it turned out awesome! Here's what it looked like:

squats:                             45-20;   95-10; 135-10; 225-10; 315-10; 335-10; 355-7
super-set with leg press: 90-10; 180-10; 270-10; 360-10; 450-10; 520-10; 590-10

seated leg curl:                      80-15; 110-12; 140-8
super-set with hyperextensions: 10;        10;     10

Monday, November 5, 2012

Mon., Nov. 5, 2012, Chest

Nothing but chest today. It was short, sweet, intense, to the point. All sets were close together, not a lot of rest, pump. Here it is:

incline dumbell press: 20's-25; 35's-20; 50's-12; 70's-10; 80's-10; 90's-10; 100's-10
flat dumbell press: 70's-10; 85's-10; 100's-8
dips: 10, 9, 8  


Friday, November 2, 2012

Fri. Oct. 02, 2012, Shoulders/ Calves

Today's workout fast-paced, and killer. I was sweating like a dog.
calf press: 90/ 180/ 270/ 360/450/ 540-12,10
machine calf raise: 225-15, 12,12
seated dumbell press: 20's-20; 35's-15; 50's-10; 60's-10; 70's-10; 80's-7
lateral: 20's-12; 30's-12; 40's-7 + 3 drop sets
machine rear lateral: 100-15; 120-15; 140-15; 160-?
hammer strength shoulder press (facing pad): 90-15; 140-9,8
shrugs: 135-15; 225-15,12,10
20 minutes stepmill

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thur., 11/ 01/ 12, LEGS

I got a killer leg pump today! It wasn't the strongest I've ever been, but it was very focussed and I really felt the muscle. It was a very basic leg workout for me: Just one failure set for each exercise; 2 exercises for quads, 2 for hams, and 1 for glutes:

Squats: 45/ 95/ 135/ 225/ 315/  365-15
hack squat: 90-10; 180-10; 270-11
standing leg curl: 60-12; 75-8; 90-6
lying leg curl: 105-10
alternating lunges: 135-10