Friday, November 9, 2012

Fri., Nov. 9, 2012, Calves/ Shoulders

Excellent pump this morning. I started with calves, and only did 1 exercise for them, I just did a bunch of sets:
calf press: 90-20; 180-15; 270-15; 360-15; 450-11,12,10,10,8
leg raise: 20,20+20 crunches
seated dumbell press: 20's-25; 35's-15; 50's-12; 60's-10; 70's-10; 80's-9
incline rear lateral: 40's-10,10,10
seated lateral: 20's-12,12; 25's-12; 30's-?; 35's-7
hammer strength press (facing pad): 90-20; 140-12; 190-6
shrug (slow squeeze): 135-15; 225-12; 245-12; 265-10

I was a good bit stronger than last week. The workout was pretty much the same, but I beat last weeks workout on just about every working set! ....growing some muscle.

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