Saturday, October 13, 2012

Fri., Oct. 12, 2012, Arms

   This is the easy day, the fun day, the day that's kind of like taking a day off. I take all working sets to failure; I work hard and intense. But training biceps and triceps just plain does not take it out of you like legs, back, chest or even shoulders. The weights are not nearly as much and you're not tearing up nearly as many muscle fibers.
   That being said: I got a killer pump! Icould not touch my thumb to my shoulder for about 15 minutes after the workout. I started this rep scheme (20 not so hard reps; 15 challenging reps; and a set shooting for about 10 to total failure) with the idea of recovery- pump the blood in the muscle and weaken it before my work set so that I cannot use as much weight, not putting as much strain on the joints- but it is an incredible pump!
   I did 3 exercises for biceps supersetted with 3 exercises for triceps. First was alternating dumbell curls and lying triceps extensions; then concentration curls and seated 1-arm extensions; and finishing with dumbell preacher curls and pushdowns.... short and sweet! Again all exercises were: 20, 15, 10(or failure.)

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