Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wed., Oct. 17, 2012, Update

I have been working on my car- laying on the concrete, holding my head and arms in weird positions- for about a week. It is finished! However, on Monday during my chest and back workout I had a sharp ding in my neck (lower left trap) and could not turn my head yesterday. Today I really feel it but it's not nearly as bad. I just hit core (abs and lower back) lightly and did 20 minutes interval training on the stepmill yesterday and today. I am letting it heal up before I put anything on it. I plan on hitting legs tomorrow as scheduled, though I may not if I feel it would hurt me.
So that's where I've been!
Here's what I've been eating:
(Yesterday: Tue., Oct. 16, 2012)
meal 1:  5oz chicken breast; 1c oatmeal; apple; 1tbs olive oil
meal 2:  5oz chick brst; 1c rice
meal 3:  5oz chick brst: 1c oatmeal
meal 4:  8oz ground turkey; 1c rice, salsa, spinach
meal 5:  50g whey protein powder (in water); apple; 1tbs olive oil

I got about 230g protein which is about 40g less than usual.

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